Select a Tool
Work with Ideas
I need to: Suggested Quality Tool:
Brainstorm ideas and gather information Affinity Diagram
Organize ideas or items Affinity Diagram
See the influences between items Interrelationship Diagraph
Consider the relationships between sets of items Matrix Diagram
Find the cause and cures of my problems Cause and Effect Diagram (Fishbone)
Prioritize my actions Prioritization Matrix
Identify the actions necessary to accomplish my goals Tree Diagram
Plan an activity Tree Diagram
Map out the sequence of activities Activity Network Diagram
Create a contingency plan Process Decision Program Chart
Picture a process Flowchart
Work with Data
I need to: Suggested Quality Tool:
Gather and count data Check sheet
Identify the source of variation Control sheet
See the positive and negative aspects of the situation Force Field Analysis
Rank for consensus Nominal Group Technique
Picture the major concerns Pareto Chart
Track trends over time Run Chart